Applicant Must Meet the Following Qualifications:
All applicants must complete and submit the It's Easy Order Form (PDF). The form gives our company information which is used to help accurately process your passport order. |
- Applicant is a US citizen over 18 years old, AND;
- Applicant has never had a U.S. Passport issued before, OR;
- Applicant was under 16 years old when most recent passport was issued OR;
- Applicant has not had a U.S. Passport issued for over 15 years.
New US Passport Application Process Overview
Applicant must gather new passport documents listed below to take to an Acceptance Agent.
- An Acceptance Agent is a government employee who will verify the identity of the applicant.
- Acceptance Agents are available at most Post Offices and Court Houses.
- Applicant must indicate that he/she is using a hand carry service to process their new passport application. Acceptance Agent will have the applicant sign the new passport application, seal documents in an envelope and return the sealed envelope to the applicant.
- Sealed envelope with new passport application is delivered to It Easy Inc. for processing.
To locate an acceptance agent, click here.
If applicant meets the qualifications, follow the three steps below: |

Step 1 - Gather the Following Requirements and Visit Acceptance Agent
1.1 |
Proof of Citizenship |
To obtain a new passport, applicant must bring an original or certified copy of a birth certificate, naturalization papers or old passport.
Note: Birth certificates must show applicant and parent(s) full names - "short form" birth certificates may not be acceptable. |
1.2 |
Proof of Identification |
Applicant must have a driver's license or state-issued identification issued more than six months ago to apply for a new passport. Official government or military picture identification is acceptable. |
1.3 |
Passport Photos |
Applicant must submit two (2) identical, color, passport style photographs. These may be obtained at many post offices, Kinkos, Mailboxes Etc or similar locations.
1.4 |
Proof of Travel |
Applicant must submit a computer-generated itinerary from a travel agency or online booking tool (such as an e-confirmation from an airline or Travelocity, Orbitz, etc) showing departure from the U.S.
Print two copies. Provide one copy to the Acceptance Agent to be included in the sealed envelope and one copy must be included with documents delivered to It Easy Inc.
If traveling on business and no itinerary is available, a letter on company letterhead indicating dates and purpose of travel MAY suffice. If applicant does not possess proper itinerary, please contact us for options. |
1.5 |
Authorization Letter |
Applicant must submit a "Letter of Authorization" which allows It Easy Inc. Passport to submit the application to the US State Dept. The first section of the letter contains three checkboxes, we request you to check off the first two check boxes only in order to ensure the fastest service. A copy of the letter must also be included.
> Click here to print the Letter of Authorization |
1.6 |
Government Fees |
The US State Dept charges $170 for expedited passports and $25 for verification of new passport applications by the Acceptance Agent.
Both fees must be paid to the Acceptance Agent onsite. The new passport fee of $170 may be paid by check, cash, money order. If paying by check, starter checks are not acceptable. Indicate the applicants name and DOB in the memo line. The Acceptance Agent fee of $25 may be paid by any payment method. |
1.7 |
New Passport Application (DS-11) |
Applicant must submit one completed passport application form (DS-11) by following the link below. The US State Dept web site "wizard" will walk you through the application.
After completing passport application online, print by pressing "Create Form" button. Print two (2) completed passport applications. One copy will be included in the sealed envelope by the Acceptance Agent and the second copy (which does not need to be signed) must be included with documents delivered to It Easy Inc..
DO NOT SIGN the completed application until instructed to do so by Acceptance Agent.
Note: While completing the application, the wizard will prompt you to select fees, shipping and processing options. Select any options to complete form. No payments will be made and options selected will have no affect on the actual service delivered by It Easy Inc.. The guide is simply to assist the general public in calculating fees for traditional mail-in applications.
> Click here to complete the passport application
Note: A printable off-line version of the application is available here, however, applications completed using the paper form may experience slight processing delays. |
Step 2 - Review Your Package Before Delivering
New Passport Package Contents |
If shipping documents to It Easy Inc. (most common option), applicant will place the sealed envelope from the Acceptance agent and additional documents listed below in a shipping envelope (if the sealed envelope is too large for the shipping envelope, fold it neatly in half)
If delivering documents to an It Easy Inc. office, simply ensure you have all documents below.
1) Envelope sealed by Acceptance Agent containing items above.
Note: Most standard processing passport applications are submitted through the post office. The post office encourages applicants to pay for confirmed shipping which adds between $15 and $25. Since you are using an expediting service, DO NOT PAY THE ADDITIONAL POSTAGE FEES. This will cause delay and possible rejection of your expedited passport application.
You will pay two fees at the post office, $170 for the passport and $25 for the Acceptance Agent .DO NOT PAY FOR ADDITIONAL POSTAGE.
2) On the outside of the sealed envelope, applicant must write the following:
- Last Name, First Name
- Date of Birth
- Departure Date
- Contact Phone Number
* If there is more than one application in the envelope (for multiple applicants), write out each applicants name and date of birth.
3) Copy of travel itinerary
4) Completed (signed) copy of Letter of Authorization (marked "EXTRA COPY")
5) Completed (unsigned) copy of passport application
Ship the following via Fedex, UPS, or DHL only:
- The government sealed envelope from the Acceptance Agent
- Payment for the expediting + shipping fees to "It's Easy, Inc."
- It's Easy, Inc. Order Form
Please ship your package via Fedex Priority Overnight, UPS Next Day, DHL Next Day 10:30 am or DHL Same Day service only. Do not use U.S. Postal Service Express Mail to ship the items listed below.
Ship everything to:
It's Easy Inc.
Attn: Passport Department
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Concourse Level
Our Fees:
NEXT DAY - $375
2-3 DAYS - $250
4 DAYS - $175
1 WEEK - $135
2 WEEKS - $100